Class GraphCollector

  • public final class GraphCollector
    extends Object

    Final Class, which provides a static function, that provides a collector to create a graph

    Andreas Pointner
    • Method Detail

      • toGraph

        public static <V,​E> Collector<Vertex<V,​E>,​?,​Graph<V,​E>> toGraph​(BiPredicate<Vertex<V,​E>,​Vertex<V,​E>> predicate)

        Creates a collector, that allows to collect a stream of vertices and convert it into a graph. The given predicate decides, if an edge is created. the edge is created directional.

        Usage example:
           Stream<Vertex<V>> someStream = ...;
           Graph<V> myGraph = someStream.collect(GraphCollector.toGraph((v1, v2) -> {
              // Some check if a edge from v1 to v2 should be created
              return true / false;

        Another use case is to transform a graph into another graph
           Graph<V>; myFirstGraph = ...;
           Graph<S>; myResult Graph = myFirstGraph
             .map(...) // Some mapping
             .xyz(...) // Some other streaming operations.
        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of the decorated vertex value
        E - the type of the decorated edge value
        predicate - test if an edge from first element to the second element should be created
        a collector, that can be used in streams.
      • toSubGraph

        public static <V,​E> Collector<Vertex<V,​E>,​?,​Graph<V,​E>> toSubGraph()

        Creates a subgraph for a given set of vertices, where the edge between the vertices in the stream are used.


        Given Graph:
             (A) → (B)
              ↑     ↓
            (BC) ← (AB)
        Selected Vertices: [A, B, C] Resulting Graph:
            (A) → (B)

        So all edges, that leads to a vertex, that is again in the list of vertices, will be added, all other edges are removed.

        Usage example (for the above example):

            Graph<String, Void> graph = GraphBuilderImpl.<String, Void>create()
            Graph<String, Void> collect =
                              .filter(x -> x.getElement().length() == 1)
        Type Parameters:
        V - the type of the decorated vertex value
        E - the type of the decorated edge value
        A collector which allows collecting for a vertex stream