Class IOHandlerImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • IOHandlerImpl

        public IOHandlerImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • handleDirectoryCopy

        public void handleDirectoryCopy​(GeneratorTemplate context,
                                        String src,
                                        String target,
                                        boolean overwrite,
                                        String... exclude)
        Description copied from interface: IOHandler
        Copies the full directly tree
        Specified by:
        handleDirectoryCopy in interface IOHandler<GeneratorTemplate>
        context - the context in which this happens
        src - the source directory
        target - the target directory
        overwrite - flag whether there target directory should be overwritten if it already exists
        exclude - the files to exclude
      • handleFileCopy

        public void handleFileCopy​(GeneratorTemplate context,
                                   String sourceFile,
                                   String targetFile)
        Description copied from interface: IOHandler
        Copies a file from source to target
        Specified by:
        handleFileCopy in interface IOHandler<GeneratorTemplate>
        context - the context in which this happens
        sourceFile - the source file path
        targetFile - the target file path
      • unzipFile

        public void unzipFile​(GeneratorTemplate context,
                              String sourceFile,
                              String targetDirectory)
        Description copied from interface: IOHandler
        Unzips a file
        Specified by:
        unzipFile in interface IOHandler<GeneratorTemplate>
        context - the context in which this should happen
        sourceFile - the source file that should be unzipped
        targetDirectory - the target directory where to unzip the file to