Package science.aist.neo4j.repository
Class Summary Class Description AbstractNeo4JNodeRepositoyImpl<S> Quick notes about usage: This class should handle pretty much all the default stuff On a save all nodes without an id will be saved (propagating to ALL nodes through EVERY relationship!) We are currently only capable of handling (source)-[DIRECTED]->(target) unidirectional relationships from S to T. On a load the node plus all related nodes are returned.AbstractNeo4JRelationshipRepositoyImpl<S> Quick notes about usage: This class should handle pretty much all the default stuff On a save all science.neo4j.nodes without an id will be saved (propagating to ALL science.neo4j.nodes through EVERY relationship!) We are currently only capable of handling (source)-[DIRECTED]->(target) unidirectional relationships from S to T. On a load the relationship + its source and target science.neo4j.nodes are loadedAbstractNeo4JRepository<S,ID> Intermediate class combining features both the node and relationship repositories both haveFutureRepository In case of cyclic dependencies between repositories we return a future repository that attempts to load when needed.