Class BinaryExtractor

    • Constructor Detail

      • BinaryExtractor

        public BinaryExtractor()
    • Method Detail

      • extractNativeBinary

        public Path extractNativeBinary()
        Selects the appropriate packaged binary, extracts it to a temporary location (which gets deleted when the JVM shuts down), and returns a Path to that file.
        the Path to the temp folder containing the extracted native library
      • extractNativeBinary

        public Path extractNativeBinary​(OperatingSystem os,
                                        Architecture arch)
        Extracts the packaged binary for the specified platform to a temporary location (which gets deleted when the JVM shuts down), and returns a Path to that file.
        os - operating system for which binary should be extracted
        arch - architecture for which binary should be extracted
        the Path to the temp folder containing the extracted native library