Class Image8Byte

    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public double getValue​(int x,
                               int y,
                               int channel)
        Description copied from interface: ImageWrapper
        Returns the value for a specific pixel and channel
        x - the x-coordinate of the pixel
        y - the y-coordinate of the pixel
        channel - the channel to select of a specific pixel
        the value for the pixel and channel
      • setValue

        public void setValue​(int x,
                             int y,
                             int channel,
                             double val)
        Description copied from interface: ImageWrapper
        Sets a value for a specific pixel and channel
        x - the x-coordinate of the pixel
        y - the y-coordinate of the pixel
        channel - the channel to select of a specific pixel
        val - the value for the pixel and channel
      • supportsParallelAccess

        public boolean supportsParallelAccess()
        true iff the image wrapper supports parallel write access. Else false
      • getSupportedType

        public Class<double[][][]> getSupportedType()
        the supported image type.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Description copied from class: AbstractImageWrapper
        Uses GenericImageCompareFunction to compare if the two image wrappers are equal. If the obj is not a imagewrapper then super.equals will be called.
        equals in class AbstractImageWrapper<double[][][]>
        o - the object to compare with
        whether the images are equal or not.
      • getValues

        public double[] getValues​(int x,
                                  int y)
        Description copied from interface: ImageWrapper
        Returns all value for a given coordinate
        x - the x-coordinate of the pixel
        y - the y-coordinate of the pixel
        all pixel values at the given position
      • setValues

        public void setValues​(int x,
                              int y,
                              double[] values)
        Description copied from interface: ImageWrapper
        Sets values for the given coordinate
        x - the x-coordinate of the pixel
        y - the y-coordinate of the pixel
        values - values for the given coordinate