Class DistanceMapFitnessFunction

    • Method Detail

      • applyFitness

        protected double applyFitness​(ImageWrapper<?> imageWrapper,
                                      ImageWrapper<?> imageWrapper2,
                                      int startX,
                                      int startY,
                                      int endX,
                                      int endY,
                                      int channels)
        Description copied from class: AbstractFitnessFunction
        abstract method for applying the actual fitness implementation
        Specified by:
        applyFitness in class AbstractFitnessFunction
        imageWrapper - image1 to compare
        imageWrapper2 - image2 to compare
        startX - start x position of the region of interest
        startY - start y position of the region of interest
        endX - end x position of the region of interest
        endY - end y position of the region of interest
        channels - number of channels