Class GrahamConvexHull

    • Constructor Detail

      • GrahamConvexHull

        public GrahamConvexHull()
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public List<JavaPoint2D> apply​(int[] xs,
                                       int[] ys)
        Returns the convex hull of the points created from xs and ys. Note that the first and last point in the returned List<JavaPoint> are the same point.
        xs - the x coordinates.
        ys - the y coordinates.
        the convex hull of the points created from xs and ys.
      • apply

        public List<JavaPoint2D> apply​(List<JavaPoint2D> points)
        Returns the convex hull of the points created from the list points. Note that the first and last point in the returned List<JavaPoint> are the same point.
        Specified by:
        apply in interface Function<List<JavaPoint2D>,​List<JavaPoint2D>>
        points - the list of points.
        the convex hull of the points created from the list points.
      • areAllCollinear

        public boolean areAllCollinear​(List<JavaPoint2D> points)
        Returns true iff all points in points are collinear.
        points - the list of points.
        true iff all points in points are collinear.
      • getLowestPoint

        public JavaPoint2D getLowestPoint​(List<JavaPoint2D> points)
        Returns the points with the lowest y coordinate. In case more than 1 such point exists, the one with the lowest x coordinate is returned.
        points - the list of points to return the lowest point from.
        the points with the lowest y coordinate. In case more than 1 such point exists, the one with the lowest x coordinate is returned.
      • getSortedPointSet

        public Set<JavaPoint2D> getSortedPointSet​(List<JavaPoint2D> points)
        Returns a sorted set of points from the list points. The set of points are sorted in increasing order of the angle they and the lowest point P make with the x-axis. If tow (or more) points form the same angle towards P, the one closest to P comes first.
        points - the list of points to sort.
        a sorted set of points from the list points.
        See Also:
      • getTurn

        public Turn getTurn​(JavaPoint2D a,
                            JavaPoint2D b,
                            JavaPoint2D c)
        Returns the GrahamScan#Turn formed by traversing through the ordered points a, b and c. More specifically, the cross product C between the 3 points (vectors) is calculated: (b.getX()-a.getX() * c.getY()-a.getY()) - (b.getY()-a.getY() * c.getX()-a.getX())

        and if C is less than 0, the turn is CLOCKWISE, if C is more than 0, the turn is COUNTER_CLOCKWISE, else the three points are COLLINEAR.

        a - the starting point.
        b - the second point.
        c - the end point.
        the GrahamScan#Turn formed by traversing through the ordered points a, b and c.