Class ExceptionUtils

  • public final class ExceptionUtils
    extends Object

    Util class for Exception handling

    Andreas Pointner
    • Method Detail

      • unchecked

        public static RuntimeException unchecked​(Throwable t)

        Do a Static import of this function, and the use it to throw uncheck checked exception, by using e.g.:

           throw unchecked(new IOException());

        Why would you ever want to wrap a checked exception with an unchecked one, when you can use this hack. e.g.

        Instead of:

           try {
           } catch (IOException ioe) {
             throw new RuntimeException(ioe);

        you can directly use:

           try {
           } catch (IOException ioe) {
             throw ExceptionUtils.unchecked(ioe); // this will throw IOException directly
        t - the exception to be thrown
        a runtimeException to avoid compiler checks
      • failure

        public static <T> T failure​(Throwable t)

        Do a Static import of this function, and the use it to throw uncheck checked exception, by using e.g.:

           return failure(new IOException());

        Can also be used to fail a method with a check exception without the need to declare it to the method:

           failure(new IOException());
        Type Parameters:
        T - any type, to satisfy the return type
        t - the exception to be thrown
        nothing, as always an exception will be thrown
      • uncheck

        public static <T,​R> Function<T,​R> uncheck​(ThrowingFunction<T,​R> throwingFunction)

        Allows the usage of a lambda expression that would throw an checked exception, and converts that into a Function that throws an uncheck function

             .map(ExceptionUtils.uncheck(val -> val.iThrowAnException()));
        Type Parameters:
        T - input type
        R - output type
        throwingFunction - the function that should be executing declaring a checked exception
        a function that converts the checked function into a unchecked one
      • uncheck

        public static <T> Supplier<T> uncheck​(ThrowingSupplier<T> throwingSupplier)

        Allows the usage of a lambda expression that would throw an checked exception, and converts that into a Supplier

              .orElseGet(ExceptionUtils.uncheck(() -> someMethodCall.thatThrowsException()));
        Type Parameters:
        T - the result type
        throwingSupplier - the supplier that should be executed declaring a checked exception
        a supplier that converts the checked supplier into a unchecked one