Interface Neo4jQueryRepository

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T> T query​(String query, org.neo4j.driver.Value parameters, Class<T> clazz)
      Method for executing a query with a single result in a own transaction
      <T> Stream<T> queryAll​(String query, org.neo4j.driver.Value parameters, Class<T> clazz)
      Method for executing a query with multiple results in a own transaction
    • Method Detail

      • query

        <T> T query​(String query,
                    org.neo4j.driver.Value parameters,
                    Class<T> clazz)
        Method for executing a query with a single result in a own transaction
        Type Parameters:
        T - Result type
        query - The query text
        parameters - The query parameters
        clazz - The result clazz type
        Single query result
      • queryAll

        <T> Stream<T> queryAll​(String query,
                               org.neo4j.driver.Value parameters,
                               Class<T> clazz)
        Method for executing a query with multiple results in a own transaction
        Type Parameters:
        T - Result type
        query - The query text
        parameters - The query parameters
        clazz - The result clazz type
        Stream of results