Class NamespaceAwareReflectiveNeo4JNodeRepositoryImpl<S>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Neo4jQueryRepository, Neo4jRepository<S,​Long>

    public class NamespaceAwareReflectiveNeo4JNodeRepositoryImpl<S>
    extends ReflectiveNeo4JNodeRepositoryImpl<S>
    Repository that also considers namespaces while handling Neo4J. The functionality is identical to the ReflectiveNeo4JNodeRepository, most of the search methods are EXACT meaning that a node has to have all labels EXCEPT:

    findById -> also works up the hierarchy and not just for the exact match of Labels. findBy -> auto-qualifies fields. Ex. Namespace "example" field "field" the full qualifier would be "example_field". If you use ".findBy("field"...) it will automatically replace it with "example_field", but if you use "xxx_field" it WONT be changed.

    Oliver Krauss
    • Constructor Detail

      • NamespaceAwareReflectiveNeo4JNodeRepositoryImpl

        public NamespaceAwareReflectiveNeo4JNodeRepositoryImpl​(TransactionManager manager,
                                                               Class<S> clazz)