Uses of Package
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.aruco Class Description Mat MatOfInt MatOfPoint3f Scalar Size TermCriteria -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.barcode Class Description Mat -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.bgsegm Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.bioinspired Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat Size -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.calib3d Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfDouble MatOfPoint2f MatOfPoint3f Point Rect Scalar Size TermCriteria -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.core Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Core.MinMaxLocResult DMatch Structure for matching: query descriptor index, train descriptor index, train image index and distance between descriptors.KeyPoint Mat Mat.Atable Mat.Tuple2 Mat.Tuple3 Mat.Tuple4 MatOfByte MatOfDMatch MatOfDouble MatOfFloat MatOfFloat4 MatOfFloat6 MatOfInt MatOfInt4 MatOfKeyPoint MatOfPoint MatOfPoint2f MatOfPoint3 MatOfPoint3f MatOfRect MatOfRect2d MatOfRotatedRect Point Point3 Range Rect Rect2d RotatedRect Scalar Size TermCriteria TickMeter a Class to measure passing time. -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.dnn Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfByte MatOfDouble MatOfFloat MatOfInt MatOfPoint MatOfPoint2f MatOfRect MatOfRect2d MatOfRotatedRect Scalar Size -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.face Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfInt MatOfPoint2f MatOfRect Scalar -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.features2d Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfByte MatOfDMatch MatOfFloat MatOfInt MatOfKeyPoint MatOfPoint MatOfRect Scalar TermCriteria -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.highgui Class Description Mat Size -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.img_hash Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfDouble -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.imgcodecs Class Description Mat MatOfByte MatOfInt -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.imgproc Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfFloat MatOfFloat4 MatOfFloat6 MatOfInt MatOfInt4 MatOfPoint MatOfPoint2f Point Rect RotatedRect Scalar Size TermCriteria -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat TermCriteria -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.objdetect Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfDouble MatOfFloat MatOfInt MatOfPoint MatOfRect Size -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.phase_unwrapping Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfFloat Point -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.plot Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat Scalar -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.structured_light Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat Point Size -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.text Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfFloat MatOfPoint MatOfRect -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.tracking Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfRect2d Rect2d -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.utils Class Description DMatch Structure for matching: query descriptor index, train descriptor index, train image index and distance between descriptors.KeyPoint Mat MatOfByte MatOfDMatch MatOfKeyPoint MatOfPoint MatOfPoint2f MatOfPoint3f Point Point3 Rect Rect2d RotatedRect -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfByte MatOfFloat MatOfPoint2f Rect RotatedRect Size TermCriteria -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.videoio Class Description Mat MatOfInt Size -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.wechat_qrcode Class Description Mat -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.xfeatures2d Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfDMatch MatOfFloat MatOfInt MatOfKeyPoint MatOfPoint2f Size -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.ximgproc Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat MatOfPoint MatOfRect Rect Scalar -
Classes in org.opencv.core used by org.opencv.xphoto Class Description Algorithm This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV especially for classes of algorithms, for which there can be multiple implementations.Mat