Class HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector

  • public class HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector
    extends Feature2D
    Class implementing the Harris-Laplace feature detector as described in CITE: Mikolajczyk2004.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector

        protected HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector​(long addr)
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector create​(int numOctaves,
                                                          float corn_thresh,
                                                          float DOG_thresh,
                                                          int maxCorners,
                                                          int num_layers)
        Creates a new implementation instance.
        numOctaves - the number of octaves in the scale-space pyramid
        corn_thresh - the threshold for the Harris cornerness measure
        DOG_thresh - the threshold for the Difference-of-Gaussians scale selection
        maxCorners - the maximum number of corners to consider
        num_layers - the number of intermediate scales per octave
        automatically generated
      • create

        public static HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector create​(int numOctaves,
                                                          float corn_thresh,
                                                          float DOG_thresh,
                                                          int maxCorners)
        Creates a new implementation instance.
        numOctaves - the number of octaves in the scale-space pyramid
        corn_thresh - the threshold for the Harris cornerness measure
        DOG_thresh - the threshold for the Difference-of-Gaussians scale selection
        maxCorners - the maximum number of corners to consider
        automatically generated
      • create

        public static HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector create​(int numOctaves,
                                                          float corn_thresh,
                                                          float DOG_thresh)
        Creates a new implementation instance.
        numOctaves - the number of octaves in the scale-space pyramid
        corn_thresh - the threshold for the Harris cornerness measure
        DOG_thresh - the threshold for the Difference-of-Gaussians scale selection
        automatically generated
      • create

        public static HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector create​(int numOctaves,
                                                          float corn_thresh)
        Creates a new implementation instance.
        numOctaves - the number of octaves in the scale-space pyramid
        corn_thresh - the threshold for the Harris cornerness measure
        automatically generated
      • create

        public static HarrisLaplaceFeatureDetector create​(int numOctaves)
        Creates a new implementation instance.
        numOctaves - the number of octaves in the scale-space pyramid
        automatically generated