Class MSDDetector

  • public class MSDDetector
    extends Feature2D
    Class implementing the MSD (*Maximal Self-Dissimilarity*) keypoint detector, described in CITE: Tombari14. The algorithm implements a novel interest point detector stemming from the intuition that image patches which are highly dissimilar over a relatively large extent of their surroundings hold the property of being repeatable and distinctive. This concept of "contextual self-dissimilarity" reverses the key paradigm of recent successful techniques such as the Local Self-Similarity descriptor and the Non-Local Means filter, which build upon the presence of similar - rather than dissimilar - patches. Moreover, it extends to contextual information the local self-dissimilarity notion embedded in established detectors of corner-like interest points, thereby achieving enhanced repeatability, distinctiveness and localization accuracy.
    • Constructor Detail

      • MSDDetector

        protected MSDDetector​(long addr)