Class SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy

    • Constructor Detail

      • SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy

        protected SelectiveSearchSegmentationStrategy​(long addr)
    • Method Detail

      • setImage

        public void setImage​(Mat img,
                             Mat regions,
                             Mat sizes,
                             int image_id)
        Set a initial image, with a segmentation.
        img - The input image. Any number of channel can be provided
        regions - A segmentation of the image. The parameter must be the same size of img.
        sizes - The sizes of different regions
        image_id - If not set to -1, try to cache pre-computations. If the same set og (img, regions, size) is used, the image_id need to be the same.
      • setImage

        public void setImage​(Mat img,
                             Mat regions,
                             Mat sizes)
        Set a initial image, with a segmentation.
        img - The input image. Any number of channel can be provided
        regions - A segmentation of the image. The parameter must be the same size of img.
        sizes - The sizes of different regions
      • get

        public float get​(int r1,
                         int r2)
        Return the score between two regions (between 0 and 1)
        r1 - The first region
        r2 - The second region
        automatically generated
      • merge

        public void merge​(int r1,
                          int r2)
        Inform the strategy that two regions will be merged
        r1 - The first region
        r2 - The second region