Class GenericImageFunction<I,​O,​I2,​O2>

  • Type Parameters:
    I - Input type of this generic image function
    O - Output type of this generic image function
    I2 - Input type of the wrapped image function
    O2 - Output type of this generic image function
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    Function<ImageWrapper<I>,​ImageWrapper<O>>, ImageFunction<I,​O>

    public class GenericImageFunction<I,​O,​I2,​O2>
    extends Object
    implements ImageFunction<I,​O>

    Generic image function that enables the interoperability between different ImageWrapper implementations

    Note: The GenericImageFunction converts the input as well as the output images if necessary, and for this effects the performance because of the required copy operation.

    Christoph Praschl
    • Constructor Detail

      • GenericImageFunction

        public GenericImageFunction​(Function<ImageWrapper<I2>,​ImageWrapper<O2>> function,
                                    Class<I2> functionInputType,
                                    Class<O> outputType)
        Constructor of a GenericImageFunction
        function - wrapped function to be applied
        functionInputType - input type of the wrapped(!) function
        outputType - output type of the generic function
      • GenericImageFunction

        public GenericImageFunction​(Function<ImageWrapper<I2>,​ImageWrapper<O2>> function,
                                    ImageFactory<I2> functionInputFactory,
                                    ImageFactory<O> outputFactory)
        Constructor of a GenericImageFunction
        function - wrapped function to be applied
        functionInputFactory - Factory of the input type of the wrapped(!) function
        outputFactory - Factory of the output type of the generic function