Interface ObjectComparison<T,​V>

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ObjectComparison<T,​V>
    Compares form of two different objects and returns information how close these objects are.
    Christoph Praschl, Andreas Pointner
    • Method Detail

      • compare

        double compare​(RecognizedObject<T,​V> object1,
                       RecognizedObject<T,​V> object2)
        Compares form of the two objects. Returns how close said objects are using a percent value (e.g. 1.0 = objects are exactly the same).
        object1 - object to compare
        object2 - object to compare
        percent value how close the objects are to each other
      • findClosest

        double findClosest​(RecognizedObject<T,​V> compareMe,
                           List<RecognizedObject<T,​V>> objects,
                           RecognizedObject<T,​V> closest)
        Compares one object with a list of other objects. Finds the object, which is closest to the first one and puts it into the "closest" variable. Additionally, returns the percent value of how close the closest found is with the given object.
        compareMe - object to compare with the other objects
        objects - list of objects that will be compared to the first object
        closest - closest found object will be put into this variable
        percent value how close the closest object is with the given object