Class SafeFieldHandle<T,​U>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The Class, that contains the Field.
    U - The type of the Fields value.

    public class SafeFieldHandle<T,​U>
    extends Object


    Allows typesafe access to Fields. The value is wrapped into Optional to allow functional error handling, if the Field is either of the wrong type, or not initialized.

    This handle also checks initialisation of the Field by comparing the value with the datatype default value. The value is either derived from the datatype, or explicitly passed for application specific use cases.

    Rainer Meindl
    • Constructor Detail

      • SafeFieldHandle

        public SafeFieldHandle​(Field field)
      • SafeFieldHandle

        public SafeFieldHandle​(Class<T> clazz,
                               String name)

        Creates a new instance of SafeFieldHandle, where the defaultValue is derived from the type, if possible. Might fail, if no Field witht he provided name is found.

        clazz - The Class, which should contain a Field with the provided name
        name - The name of the Field, which should be declared in the clazz
      • SafeFieldHandle

        public SafeFieldHandle​(Field field,
                               U defaultValue)
      • SafeFieldHandle

        public SafeFieldHandle​(Class<T> clazz,
                               String name,
                               U defaultValue)

        Creates a new instance of SafeFieldHandle. Might fail, if no Field with he provided name is found.

        clazz - The Class, which should contain a Field with the provided name
        name - The name of the Field, which should be declared in the clazz
        defaultValue - Custom default value of the Field. If the Field holds this value, it is considered to be uninitialized
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public Optional<U> get​(T object)

        Accesses the unsafe Field and wraps it in an Optional of the type this class thinks it is. If either the access, or the conversion of the value fails, as well as if the Fields value is equal to the defaultValue defined by this handle

        object - The instance, whose fields needs to be accessed safely.
        Optional, either containing the typesafe value of the field or Optional.empty() s
      • tryCast

        protected Optional<U> tryCast​(Object fieldValue)

        Tries to cast the fieldValue into the designated type U. If the cast fails, or the value is null, an empty Optional is returned.

        fieldValue - an extracted value of the unsafeField, which should be casted into a type of U
        an Optional of U, either holding the mapped value of fieldValue, or empty, if the cast fails.
      • getDefaultValue

        protected U getDefaultValue()

        Returns the default value for the given type U.

        the default value for the given type U.