All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractConditionalTransformationRenderer<Result,Container,Input> |
Transformation renderer, that is only used if a given renderer condition matches on the input element
AbstractEdge<V,E> |
Abstract base class to be used for different edge implementation, that are based on a graph state.
AbstractGeneratorTemplateRenderer<R,S> |
Abstract generator template renderer
AbstractGraphTransformationRenderer<T,S,E> |
Abstract implementation of a transformation renderer
AbstractVertex<V,E> |
Abstract base class to be used for different vertex implementation, that are based on a graph state.
AbstractVisitor<T> |
Abstract visitor
ArrayVisitor |
A visitor for a array
BooleanConstraint |
Constraint for checking if a boolean value is of given value
ConnectedGraphAnalyzer<V,E> |
Calculate if the graph state represents a connected graph, meaning every vertex can be reached.
Constraint<T> |
Constraint which will be checked and result in some ConstraintError or if there is no Error in ConstraintError.NoError
ConstraintError |
Enum for property verificator to name the violated constraint
ConstraintViolationStatistic |
Statistic class representing number of different violations of a property verification
ConstraintVisitor<T> |
Interface for visiting a generic object T
ConstraintVisitorFactory |
DefaultGraphFactory |
Default Graph Factory
DefaultInitializedConstraint |
Constraint which checks if an object is default initialized
DefaultRulesGraphStateValidatorImpl<V,E> |
Default Aist Way on how a graph has to be, to be valid
DefaultTemplateResources |
Util class which contains the default template resources
DeleteFileCondition |
RenderCondition for deleting a file
DeleteFileRenderer |
Task to delete a file
DepthFirstSearchGraphIterator<V,E> |
Depth first search iteration strategy for graphs
DepthFirstSearchTraversalStrategy<V,E> |
Depth-First Search traversal strategy for a given graph PseudoCode:
DirectoryCopyCondition |
Renderer Condition for copy directory
DirectoryCopyRenderer |
Generator Template renderer for copying directories
DirectoryCreateCondition |
Renderer Condition for create a directory
DirectoryCreateRenderer |
Renderer implementation to create a directory
Edge<V,E> |
an edge has a source and a target
EdgeBuilder<V,E> |
Edge Builder is used inside the GraphBuilder and is responsible to create a fluent way on how to
create an edge between two vertices
EdgeDataBuilder<V,E> |
EdgeDataBuilder is used inside EdgeBuilder and is used to add the data element (decorated element) to
the created edge.
EdgeImpl<V,E> |
Implementation of Edge
EdgeView<V,E> |
Interface that allows to provide a different view on an edge.
EdgeViewImpl<V,E> |
This class is used to provide a view on a given edge, this means, that it decorates an existing edge
but uses its own graph state which does only contain a view on the graph.
EdgeVisitor<V,E> |
Interface to implement visitor pattern for edges
EdgeWithBuilder<V,E> |
EdgeWithBuilder that is used inside EdgeBuilder and EdgeDataBuilder and allows to add a
callback method, that is called with the created edge.
EmptyContainerConstraint |
Constraint for checking if a collection is empty
ExceptionPrinter |
The Exception printer generates a report of exceptions provided to it.
FieldExtractor |
Class for extracting fields of class
FieldsVisitor |
Visitor for visiting a collection of fields
FieldVisitor |
Visitor for a single field
FileCopyCondition |
Renderer condition for copying files
FileCopyRenderer |
Implementation of a file copy task
FileOperationRenderer |
Base class to perform operations on files
FilePathOperation<C> |
Baseclass for File Operations
FreemarkerPrinter<T> |
Printer that is based on freemarker.
FreemarkerTemplateEngine |
Freemarker implementation of the template engine
GeneratorTemplate |
This class is used to represent a template that is rendered to a desired output sink.
GeneratorTemplateFactory |
GeneratorTemplateFactoryImpl |
Factory Implementation for Generator Templates
GeneratorTemplateRenderer<R,S> |
Specification of a Transformation Renderer for Templates
GeneratorTemplateRendererImpl |
Graph<V,E> |
Interface for a graph representation
GraphAnalyzer<V,E,R> |
Performs an analyzes of the graph
GraphBuilder<V,E> |
The Graph Builder is the entry point of the builder pattern which was designed to create a graph using a
fluent api.
GraphBuilderImpl<V,E> |
Implementation of a graph builder (it creates directed weighted edges)
GraphCollector |
Final Class, which provides a static function, that provides a collector to create a graph
GraphFactory |
Interface for a graph factory
GraphFactoryFactory |
The factory for graph factories
GraphId |
Annotate an element in a class as the identifying/unique key element for the graph
GraphImpl<V,E> |
Implementation of a graph
GraphState<V,E> |
Representation of a graph state
GraphStateAccessor<V,E> |
Allows reading access to a given graph state
GraphStateImpl<V,E> |
Represents a current state of a graph
GraphStateValidator<V,E> |
Calculates if the given graph state is valid
GraphTransformationRenderer<R,S,E> |
GraphTransformer<InputV,InputE,Output> |
Implementation for a GraphTransformer which uses a Graph with a generic input as an input and returns
any output type
GraphVizImageCondition |
GraphViz Condition
GraphVizImageRenderer |
Uses a file with a graphviz representation and creates a PNG file out of it
InstantiateTemplateCondition |
Renderer condition for Instantiate Task
InstantiateTemplateRenderer |
Implementation of a template renderer task
IntegerRangeConstraint |
Constraint for checking if an integer is in between the bounds (inclusive)
IOHandler<C> |
Handler for IO Operations
IOHandlerImpl |
IOTypePublisher<I,O> |
Interface which allows getting Input and Output Types
IterableVisitor |
Visitor for an iterable
MetaTag<T> |
Implementation of a meta tag, to add additional info to other objects
MetaTagCollection |
Allows adding MetaTag information to a specific class
MetaTagCollectionImpl |
Handles MetaTags
MetaTagImpl<T> |
Implementation of a meta tag, to add additional info to other objects
MultiGraphTransformationRenderer<Result,SourceV,SourceE> |
Provides a Multi Graph Transformation Renderer, which has a list of child renderer and returns the
result of the first matching one.
MultiTransformationRenderer<Result,Container,Input> |
Multi transformation renderer, that iterates over all the child renderers, and returns the result of the first
renderer that itself returns a result.
NullConstraint |
Constraint which checks if an object is null
NumberOfEdgesAnalyzer<V,E> |
Returns the number of edges in the graph state
NumberOfVertexAnalyzer<V,E> |
Returns the number of vertices in ghe graph state
ObjectVisitor |
Visitor for an object
PropertyRestrictor |
Property restrictor which consists of collections of classes, fields, default values which should be considered in
property verification process
PropertyVerificator<Input> |
Property verificator which checks if all containers of a class are
initialized and filled and all fields are not only initialized but also set
PropertyVerificatorResult |
Result class of a property verification process
RendererCondition<T> |
Interface to create a renderer condition
RestrictedVisitorFactory |
RuleBasedGraphStateValidatorImpl<V,E> |
Tests if a given graphState confirms to a list of graph analyzer and their rules
SemanticDifferenceDetector |
Class for detecting semantic differences of a verification result
ShellCommandCondition |
Condition for Shell rendering task
ShellCommandRenderer |
Executes a command on the command line
SingletonVisitorFactory |
TemplateEngine<C> |
The Template Engine
TemplateEngineException |
TemplatePreprocessor<T> |
Preprocessor of Template Arguments
TemplateResource |
A Template Resource
TemplateTask |
A specific template task
TemplateTaskResult |
Contains the result of a template task
TemplateTaskResultTypeEnum |
The different available results of a template task
TemplateTaskTypeEnum |
The different template tasks
TransformationRender<Result,Element,Container,Input> |
Interface to represent a renderer inside a transformation.
Transformer<Input,Output> |
Interface to apply a transformation on a given input and output
TransformerUtils |
Well this class is necessary, because Java generics is the greatest nonsense which was ever developed ...
TraversalStrategy<V,E> |
Interface for traversal strategy
UnzipCondition |
RenderCondition for deleting a file
UnzipFile |
Unzips an input stream of a zip file
UnzipRenderer |
Renderer to unzip a file
Vertex<V,E> |
Interface to represent a vertex
VertexBuilderWith<V,E> |
VertexBuilderWith that is used inside GraphBuilder and allows to add a callback method to the vertex
creation method
VertexImpl<V,E> |
Implementation of a Vertex
VertexView<V,E> |
Interface that allows to provide a different view on a vertex.
VertexViewImpl<V,E> |
This class is used to provide a view on a given vertex, this means, that it decorates an existing vertex
but uses its own graph state which does only contain a view on the graph.
VertexVisitor<V,E> |
Visitor Pattern overload for a vertex
VerticesHaveEdgesAnalyzer<V,E> |
Analyzes if every vertex in the graph has at least a single edge
Visitor<T> |
Functional Interface as Basis for the Visitor Pattern