Interface CSVWriter<T>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default boolean write​(File targetFile, List<T> elements)
      Method for writing the given elements to a csv file (without the column definition)
      boolean write​(File targetFile, List<T> elements, boolean writeColumnDefinition)
      Method for writing the given elements to a csv file
    • Method Detail

      • write

        default boolean write​(File targetFile,
                              List<T> elements)
        Method for writing the given elements to a csv file (without the column definition)
        targetFile - target file where to write the elements
        elements - to be written
        true iff elements are written successfully
      • write

        boolean write​(File targetFile,
                      List<T> elements,
                      boolean writeColumnDefinition)
        Method for writing the given elements to a csv file
        targetFile - target file where to write the elements
        elements - to be written
        writeColumnDefinition - flag which signals if the column definition should be written in the beginning
        true iff elements are written successfully