Class CSVProcessor<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    CSVReader<T>, CSVWriter<T>
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class CSVProcessor<T>
    extends Object
    implements CSVReader<T>, CSVWriter<T>

    Class for accessing domain classes in CSV files. Allows to read and write .csv files containing domain types

    Christoph Praschl
    • Constructor Detail

      • CSVProcessor

        protected CSVProcessor​(char separator,
                               List<String> columnDefinition,
                               BiFunction<T,​List<String>,​List<String>> elementToColumnFunc,
                               BiFunction<List<String>,​List<String>,​T> columnsToElementFunc)
        Creates a CSVPointProcessor with given separator and column definition
        separator - separator symbol used in csv file
        columnDefinition - column definition of the csv file (can be null for reading if the CSV file contains a header which is used in read(File, boolean, boolean))
        elementToColumnFunc - function to convert the elements to a csv line. First parameter == current element; second parameter == columnDefinition; Returns the list of strings representing the columns in the csv file
        columnsToElementFunc - function to convert the string columns of a csv line to a element
      • CSVProcessor

        protected CSVProcessor​(char separator,
                               List<String> columnDefinition)
    • Method Detail

      • getWriter

        public static <O> CSVWriter<O> getWriter​(char separator,
                                                 List<String> columnDefinition,
                                                 @NonNull BiFunction<O,​List<String>,​List<String>> elementToColumnFunc)
        Factory method for creating a CSVProcessor object for writing CSV files;
        Type Parameters:
        O - element type
        separator - separator symbol used in csv file
        columnDefinition - column definition of the csv file (can be null for reading if the CSV file contains a header which is used in read(File, boolean, boolean))
        elementToColumnFunc - function to convert the elements to a csv line which should be written. First parameter == current element; second parameter == columnDefinition; Returns the list of strings representing the columns in the csv file
        CSV Processor
      • getReader

        public static <O> CSVReader<O> getReader​(char separator,
                                                 List<String> columnDefinition,
                                                 @NonNull Supplier<O> elementSupplier,
                                                 @NonNull TriConsumer<O,​String,​String> fieldConsumer)
        Factory method for creating a CSVProcessor object for reading CSV files with a fieldconsumer
        Type Parameters:
        O - element type
        separator - separator symbol used in csv file
        columnDefinition - column definition of the csv file (can be null for reading if the CSV file contains a header which is used in read(File, boolean, boolean))
        elementSupplier - supplies the initial object which will be modified using the given fieldConsumer
        fieldConsumer - consumes the supplied object (created with elementSupplier), the actual column value (second parameter) and the associated column name (third parameter). Should modify the supplied object using the given column
        CSV Processor
      • getReader

        public static <O> CSVReader<O> getReader​(char separator,
                                                 List<String> columnDefinition,
                                                 @NonNull BiFunction<List<String>,​List<String>,​O> columnsToElementFunc)
        Factory method for creating a CSVProcessor object for reading CSV files This method requires a lot of manual handling using the BiFunctions. Use getReader(char, List, Supplier, TriConsumer) for a more convenient way.
        Type Parameters:
        O - element type
        separator - separator symbol used in csv file
        columnDefinition - column definition of the csv file (can be null for reading if the CSV file contains a header which is used in read(File, boolean, boolean))
        columnsToElementFunc - function to convert the read string columns of a csv line to a element
        CSV Processor
      • getProcessor

        public static <O> CSVProcessor<O> getProcessor​(char separator,
                                                       List<String> columnDefinition,
                                                       BiFunction<O,​List<String>,​List<String>> elementToColumnFunc,
                                                       BiFunction<List<String>,​List<String>,​O> columnsToElementFunc)
        Factory method for creating a CSVProcessor object for writing and reading CSV files This method requires a lot of manual handling using the BiFunctions. Use getProcessor(char, List, BiFunction, Supplier, TriConsumer) for a more convenient way.
        Type Parameters:
        O - element type
        separator - separator symbol used in csv file
        columnDefinition - column definition of the csv file (can be null for reading if the CSV file contains a header which is used in read(File, boolean, boolean))
        elementToColumnFunc - function to convert the elements to a csv line which should be written. First parameter == current element; second parameter == columnDefinition; Returns the list of strings representing the columns in the csv file
        columnsToElementFunc - function to convert the read string columns of a csv line to a element
        CSV Processor
      • getProcessor

        public static <O> CSVProcessor<O> getProcessor​(char separator,
                                                       List<String> columnDefinition,
                                                       BiFunction<O,​List<String>,​List<String>> elementToColumnFunc,
                                                       Supplier<O> elementSupplier,
                                                       TriConsumer<O,​String,​String> fieldConsumer)
        Factory method for creating a CSVProcessor object for writing and reading CSV files with a fieldconsumer
        Type Parameters:
        O - element type
        separator - separator symbol used in csv file
        columnDefinition - column definition of the csv file (can be null for reading if the CSV file contains a header which is used in read(File, boolean, boolean))
        elementToColumnFunc - function to convert the elements to a csv line which should be written. First parameter == current element; second parameter == columnDefinition; Returns the list of strings representing the columns in the csv file
        elementSupplier - supplies the initial object which will be modified using the given fieldConsumer
        fieldConsumer - consumes the supplied object (created with elementSupplier), the actual column value (second parameter) and the associated column name (third parameter). Should modify the supplied object using the given column
        CSV Processor
      • normalizeColumnDefinition

        protected List<String> normalizeColumnDefinition​(List<String> columnHeader)
        Defines the normalisation of the header files. Adapter method
        columnHeader - the split header definition of the csv file
        the normalized column header
      • normalizeRow

        protected List<String> normalizeRow​(List<String> csvLine)
        Defines the normalisation of a singular csv line after the header. Adapter method
        csvLine - the split line of a csv file.
        the normalized csv lines
      • read

        public List<T> read​(File csvFile,
                            boolean containsColumnDefinition,
                            boolean useFileColumnDefinition)
        Method for reading the given csv file and converting the lines to the specific element type using the given BiFunction
        Specified by:
        read in interface CSVReader<T>
        csvFile - source file to read
        containsColumnDefinition - flag which signals if the file contains a column definition
        useFileColumnDefinition - flag if the column definition in the csv file should be used instead of the definition in the constructor (only used if containsColumndefinition == true)
        the read elements
      • write

        public boolean write​(File targetFile,
                             List<T> elements,
                             boolean writeColumnDefinition)
        Method for writing the given elements to a csv file
        Specified by:
        write in interface CSVWriter<T>
        targetFile - target file where to write the elements
        elements - to be written
        writeColumnDefinition - flag which signals if the column definition should be written in the beginning
        true iff elements are written successfully