All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbsSubFunction<I> |
Function that subtracts two images and returns the absolute values
AbstractAveragingFilter |
Abstract class for an filter for averaging multiple images to one
AbstractColorbasedObjectDetector<I,P,R,C extends ThreeChannelColor> |
Abstract class for detecting object based on a given color range
AbstractConstrainedDelaunayTriangulation<P extends AbstractJavaPoint<P>,L extends AbstractJavaLine<P>,G extends AbstractJavaPolygon<P,L>> |
Abstract implementation of a constrained delaunay triangulation process
AbstractDifferencebasedObjectDetector<I,P,R> |
Abstract class for detecting objects based on differences in image.
AbstractDistanceMapFunction<T> |
Abstract implementation of an distance map function containing the required contour color value
AbstractDistanceMetric |
Abstract implementation of a distance metric
AbstractDrawCircle<I> |
Abstract drawer for drawing a circle
AbstractDrawer<I,T> |
Abstract class for drawing on a given image
AbstractEdgeFeatureDetection<E,I> |
AbstractFeaturebasedObjectDetector<I,P,R> |
Abstract class for detecting object based on a features
AbstractFeatureWrapper<E> |
Class for holding a features of unique and prominent information (for example of points).
AbstractFitnessFunction |
Abstract implementation of a fitness function
AbstractImageWrapper<I> |
Abstract generic implementation of the ImageWrapper Interface
AbstractInterpolationFunction |
Interface for interpolations
AbstractJavaLine<T extends AbstractJavaPoint<T>> |
Abstract line representation
AbstractJavaPoint<T extends AbstractJavaPoint<T>> |
Base class of JavaPoint
AbstractJavaPointCloud<T extends AbstractJavaPoint<T>> |
Wrapping class for an unordered amount of points
AbstractJavaPolygon<T extends AbstractJavaPoint<T>,L extends AbstractJavaLine<T>> |
Abstract implementation of a polygon
AbstractLineWrapper<P> |
Generic interface which implements getter and setter for a line wrapper
AbstractObjectDetector<I,P,R> |
Abstract Object detector
AbstractOperator<I> |
Abstract operator implementation for combining two images
AbstractPoint2Wrapper<P> |
Abstract generic implementation of the Point2Wrapper interface.
AbstractPoint3Wrapper<P> |
Abstract generic implementation of the Point3Wrapper interface.
AbstractPointFeatureDetection<E,I> |
AbstractPointFeatureDetection.ExtractorType |
Enum with Feature Extration Types
AbstractPoolingFunction<T,R> |
Abstract Implementation of a pooling filter
AbstractRectangleWrapper<R,P> |
Abstract Implementation of the RectangleWrapper Interface
AbstractSurface<P extends AbstractJavaPoint<P>,L extends AbstractJavaLine<P>> |
Abstract class representing any surface
AdaptiveOptimalThresholdFunction<T,R> |
Adaptive Optimal ThresholdFunction implementation
AddFunction<I> |
Function that adds to images in an optional weighted way
AnisotropicDiffusionFilterFunction<T,R> |
Implementation of anisotropic diffusion
AverageType |
Different averaging types.
BilinearInterpolationFunction |
Bilinear Interpolation for a single pixel on a image
BooleanValueContainer |
BoundaryTracing |
Generic boundary tracer.
BrightnessFilter |
Imagefunction for changing the brightness of an image.
BufferedImageFactory |
BufferedImageFileLoader |
Loads a Buffered Image from a given File Path
BufferedImageInputStreamLoader |
Loads a Buffered Image from a given Input Stream
BufferedImageSaver |
BufferedImageType |
Types of an buffered image
BufferedImageWrapper |
Wrapper of an buffered image
ByteArrayImage2ByteTransformer |
This class transforms a javaImage into an application/octet-stream compatible byte array with bmp encoding.
ByteArrayJavaImageTransformer |
CalculateForegroundColorRatioFunction<T> |
Calculates the ratio of a specific foreground color.
ChamferDistanceMapFunction<T> |
Implementation of the chamfer distance map algorithm
ChannelMerger<I,T> |
Class for merging multiple images to one image
ChannelSplitter<I,T> |
Class for splitting an image into its channels
ChannelType |
Enum with pixel channel types
ChessboardDistanceMetric |
Chroma |
Image Metadata class that contains information about Chroma
Color |
Class representing a color value
ColorConverter |
Converts an ImageJ int color representation to a RGBColor object
ColoredToGreyscaleFunction<I,T> |
Converts a Colored Image into a Greyscale one
ColorPartsSegmentationFunction<T,R> |
This function segments color parts in a given image.
ColorToGreyScaleConverter |
Interface to convert a color pixel into a greyscale one
ColorTransformFunction<T,R> |
Function that allows to change the color of the given image
ColourSpace2ChannelTypeTransformer |
Transformer implementation for transforming between Imaging's ChannelType to OpenIMAJ's ColourSpace
ColumnFunction |
Function which is applied for a given column in the given image
Compression |
Image Metadata class that contains information about Compression
ConstrainedDelaunayTriangulation2D |
Implementation of a constrained delaunay triangulation process for 2D points
ConstrainedDelaunayTriangulation3D |
Implementation of a constrained delaunay triangulation process for 3D points
ContentAwareCrop<I> |
Function for applying a content aware cropping based on a given background color
ContourDetector<T> |
Generic contour detector which creates a contour image with 255 for contour pixels and 0 for background pixels
ConvolveFunction<T,R> |
Applies a given kernel to the given image wrapper.
DilateFunction<T,R> |
Implementation of Dilation
Dimension |
Image Metadata class that contains information about Dimension
Direction |
Different direction types.
DistanceMapFitnessFunction |
Distance map based compare value fitness function
DivFunction<I> |
Function that divides two images or a scalar value and an image
DoubleValueContainer |
DrawCircle<I> |
Draw implementation for drawing a circle outline
DrawCircleFilled<I> |
Draw implementation for drawing a circle filled
DrawDashedLine<I> |
Drawer for drawing a dashed line
DrawDottedLine<I> |
Drawer for drawing a dotted line
DrawLine<I> |
Draw implementation for drawing a line
DrawPointAsPolygon<I> |
Class for drawing a symmetrical polygon for a given center point
DrawPolygon<I> |
Draw implementation for drawing any polygon's outline
DrawPolygonFilled<I> |
Draw implementation for drawing any polygon filled
DrawX<I> |
Method for drawing an X for a given position
ErodeFunction<T,R> |
Implementation of Erosion
EuclidianDistanceMetric |
ExtractImagesFromPDF |
Extracts all Images from the pdf and returns them as a list of buffered images
FaceDetection<T> |
FaceInformation<T> |
FeatureDetection<E,I> |
This interface is used to compute a `FeatureWrapper` of an image.
FeatureMatch |
Object containing information for a feature match between two images.
FeatureWrapper<E> |
Interface for providing/saving unique and prominent information.
FilterObjects<T,V> |
Filters list of recognized objects, depending on the implementation.
FilterSmallRecognizedObjects<T,V> |
Removes recognized objects, which are too small.
FImageFactory |
FImageWrapper |
FindMaxFunction |
Finds the maximum value in a single channel ImageWrapper of short[][][]
FitnessFunction<E,I> |
This interface provides metrics for example `SumOfSquareDifferences` to compute the similarity of two images.
GammaCorrectionFunction<P,T> |
Gamma correction implementation
GaussFilterFunction<T,R> |
Implementation of a gauss filter
GenericImageCompareFunction |
Generic image compare function, to compare any image wrappers, and check if they are equals.
GenericImageConsumer<I,I2,T> |
Generic image consumer that applies a wrapped consumer to a given image
GenericImageFunction<I,O,I2,O2> |
Generic image function that enables the interoperability between different ImageWrapper implementations
GenericImageWrapperTransformer<T,P> |
Generic transformer which allows to transform between given ImageWrapper types
GenericMorphFunction<T,P> |
Generic implementation of a morph function that allows to dilate/erode any foreground colors (not limited to binary!)
Use the isBackgroundFunction to determine if a pixel is a foreground or a background pixel.
GrahamConvexHull |
Implementation of the GrahamScan Algorithms for finding a ConvexHull
GreyscaleAverageConverter |
Converts a RGB Color into a greyscale color using average method
GreyscaleLightnessConverter |
Converts a RGB Color into a greyscale color using lightness method
GreyscaleLuminosityConverter |
Calculates Greycsale using Luminosity
GridbasedPositionEvaluator<I,P> |
Interface which provides functionality to evaluate e.g.
HistogramEqualizationFunction<T,R> |
Implementation of a histogram equalization
HistogramFunction<T> |
Calculates the HistogramFunction of a given image
HoughSpaceLines |
This class is used as a result for the houghspace
HSVColor |
Class representing a HSVColor
HSVTransformer |
Transformer between HSV and RGB
Image2Byte |
Image wrapper for images with 2 byte precision
Image2ByteFactory |
Image2ByteInputStreamLoader |
Image2ByteSaver |
Class for saving 2 byte images
Image2ByteToImage8ByteTransformer |
Transformer for Image2Byte to Image8Byte
Image8Byte |
Image wrapper for images with 8 byte precision
Image8ByteFactory |
ImageFactory<X> |
Factory class for a given imagewrapper type
ImageFactoryFactory |
Returns a image factory based on a given type
ImageFromJavaLinesCreatorFunction<T> |
Creates an Image out of a Collection of JavaLines
ImageFunction<IN,OUT> |
Interface for every sort of image function
ImageMetaData |
Base class that contains all image meta data
ImageMetadataExtractorFunction |
ImageProcessorFactory |
Implementation of a ImageFactory for ImageJ's ImageProcessor
ImageProcessorWrapper |
Implementation of a ImageWrapper for ImageJ's ImageProcessor
ImageStackFactory |
ImageStackWrapper |
ImageWrapper<I> |
Wrapper interface containing the implemented image-container class
INDArrayFactory |
Implementation of a ImageFactory for Deeplearning4j's INDArray
INDArrayWrapper |
Implementation of a ImageWrapper for Deeplearning4j's INDArray
IntegerValueContainer |
InvertFunction<T,R> |
Inverts a given image.
JavaCVFactory |
JavaCVImageWrapper |
Implementation of the ImageWrapper Interface for JavaCV
JavaImageColorCallback<Input> |
Returns a java image color representation
JavaLine2D |
Representation of a Line
JavaLine3D |
Threedimensional line between two 3D points
JavaLineLengthComparator |
Comparator for JavaLine2D based on the lines´ length
JavaModel3D |
Class which represents any 3D model given by a mesh of 3D polygons
JavaPoint2D |
Java Representation of a point.
JavaPoint3D |
Java Representation of a 3D - point.
JavaPointCloud2D |
2D Point cloud
JavaPointCloud3D |
3D point cloud
JavaPointCoordinateComparator |
Compares two JavaPoint2D s based on their x-coordinate respectively the y-coordinate if the x-coordinate is equal
JavaPointOriginComparator |
Compares two JavaPoint2D s based on their distance to the given origin
JavaPointPathPositionComparator |
JavaPolygon2D |
This class represents a Polygon using JavaPoint
JavaPolygon3D |
3D polygon
JavaPolygonMergeFunction |
Merges two Java Polygons
JavaRectangle2D |
This class represents a Rectangle using JavaPoint
JavaRectangleRotated2D |
Java representation for a Rotated Rectangle.
JavaTriangle2D |
2D triangle class implementation based on
JavaTriangle3D |
Java representation of a 3D triangle
LineWrapper<P> |
Interface which is used, to represent a line.
ManhattanDistanceMetric |
MaskBasedEdgeDetection<T,R> |
Generic implementation of edge detection for mask based edge detection operators
MaxPoolingFunction<T,R> |
Implementation of a max pooling filter
MBFImageFactory |
MBFImageWrapper |
MeanFilter |
Filter implementation for mean averaging
MeanFilterFunction<T,R> |
Implementation of a mean filter
MedianFilter |
Filter implementation for median averaging
MeshReader |
Interface for reading a mesh from a file
MeshWriter |
Interface for writing a mesh to a file
MetaJavaPoint2D |
JavaPoint which is extended by Meta Information
MicrosoftCognitiveServiceFaceDetection |
This class provides face detection functionality using microsoft cognitive service face api
MIFitnessFunction |
Mutual information implementation of a fitness function for a greyscale image
MinMaxFunction |
Function for getting all minimum and maximum values per channel in the image
MooreNeighborInnerBoundaryTracing<T extends JavaPoint2D> |
Uses Moore Neighbor Tracing Algorithm to extract the inner boundary
MulFunction<I> |
Functions that multiplies to images with an optional weight
NameContainer |
Container for XML elements that have a attribute with type name
NearestNeighborInterpolationFunction |
Nearest Neighbor Interpolation for a single pixel on an image
NeighborType |
Neighborhood definitions
NormalizeFunction<T,R> |
Normalizes a Greyscale image
NormalJavaPoint3D |
Extension of the JavaPoint3D class containing normal vector information
ObjectComparison<T,V> |
Compares form of two different objects and returns information how close these objects are.
ObjectDetector<I,P,R> |
Interface for a color based Object Detector
ObjectDifference<T,V,R> |
Interface for creating classes, which calculate the differences of objects.
ObjectMerge<T,V> |
Merges two different objects according to some threshold.
ObjReader |
MeshReader implementation for OBJ files
ObjWriter |
MeshWriter implementation for OBJ files
OCRCharInfo |
This class is used to provide information about a single character after recognizing it with ocr.
OCRMode |
Defining the mode for OCR.
OCRResult |
Class that contains the result of an OCR analysis
OffReader |
MeshReader implementation for OFF files
OffWriter |
MeshWriter implementation for OFF files
OpenCVBackgroundSubtraction |
Function for removing the background for the given image based on the background model created with e.g.
OpenCVBGR2GrayscaleFunction |
Imagefunction for greyscaling an opencv BGR image
OpenCVBGR2HSVFunction |
Function for converting an opencv bgr image to a hsv image
OpenCVBiggestContourFinder |
Method which finds the position of the biggest connected (white!) contour in the given image
OpenCVBorderMode |
opencv border mode types
OpenCVCalculateRotatedRect |
This class calculates the minimal rotated rectangle.
OpenCVCannyEdgeDetection |
Canny Edge Detector
OpenCVContourDetector |
Use OpenCV Contour detection to detect contours in a image
OpenCVContrastFunction |
increase/decrease the contrast of an image
factor > 1 increase the contrast.
OpenCVCropFunction |
Function for cropping an image
OpenCVDifferencebasedObjectDetector |
opencv implementation of a difference based Object Detector.
OpenCVDistanceLabel |
OpenCVDistanceMap |
Calculate the distance map using Imgproc.distanceTransform(Mat, Mat, int, int, int)
OpenCVDistanceMask |
The mask Size of the OpenCV OpenCVDistanceMap
OpenCVDistanceType |
OpenCVDrawCircle |
Mat Consumer for drawing circles
OpenCVDrawFeatures |
Mat Consumer for drawing features
OpenCVDrawFilledPolygon |
Draws a JavaPoly using Imgproc.fillPoly(Mat, List, Scalar, int, int, Point)
OpenCVDrawLine |
Mat Consumer for drawing a line
OpenCVDrawPolygon |
Mat Consumer for drawing a polygon
OpenCVDrawRectangle |
Mat Consumer for drawing rectangles
OpenCVEdgeFeatureDetection |
OpenCV Edge Feature Detector
OpenCVFactory |
OpenCVFeaturebasedObjectDetector |
opencv implementation for a feature based Object Detector.
OpenCVFeatures2d |
Enum which specifies the opencv output image creation
OpenCVFeatureWrapper |
Implementation of the FeatureWrapper Interface for opencv
OpenCVFitnessFunction |
Implementation of the Fitnessfunction interface which provides metrics for example `SumOfSquareDifferences` to compute the similarity of two images.
OpenCVGaussFilterFunction |
apply Gaussian-filter to image
OpenCVGridbasedPositionEvaluator |
OpenCV Implementation of the GridbasedPositionEvaluator Interface which provides
functionality to evaluate e.g.
OpenCVHoughLinesFunction |
Finds line segments in a binary image (8-bit, single-channel binary source image.) using the probabilistic Hough transform.
OpenCVHSVColorbasedObjectDetector |
Color-based Object Detector on HSV colored images.
OpenCVImageCompareFunction |
Compare function to check if two images are equal or not
OpenCVImageWrapper |
Implementation of the ImageWrapper Interface for opencv
OpenCVImageWrapperImage2ByteTransformer |
Transformer from OpenCV Image Wrapper to 2 Byte image wrapper
OpenCVImageWrapperImage8ByteTransformer |
Transformer from OpenCV Image Wrapper to 8 Byte image wrapper
OpenCVInterpolationType |
interpolation method types
OpenCVInvertFunction |
Inverts a given Image
OpenCVLineType |
Type of a line
OpenCVLineWrapper |
Specific Implementation for opencv line, which explicitly uses Point.
OpenCVLineWrapperJavaLineTransformer |
This class implements a Transformer between LineWrapper of Point (OpenCV) and JavaLine
OpenCVLoader |
Loads a Open CV Image by InputStream using the
OpenCVMatOfPointToListOfPointWrapperTransformer |
OpenCVMorphologicalSkeletonFunction |
Calculates the morphological skeleton of an given image.
OpenCVOptimizer |
Implementation of the Optimizer Interface which is used to improve the quality and/or speed of image processing algorithms.
OpenCVOrientationOffsetFunction |
OpenCVPaddingFunction |
Function for apply a padding around the image.
OpenCVPerspectiveTransformation |
This function transforms a image in perspective.
OpenCVPoint2Wrapper |
Class for wrapping a two-dimensional point of the opencv framework.
OpenCVPoint2WrapperJavaPointTransformer |
This class implements a Transformer between Point2Wrapper of Point (OpenCV) and JavaPoint
OpenCVPoint3Wrapper |
Class for wrapping a three-dimensional point of the opencv framework.
OpenCVPointFeatureDetection |
OpenCV Point Feature Detection
OpenCVPositionalAndRotationalOffsetFunction |
Method for calculating the positional and rotational offset of two images.
OpenCVPositionalOffsetFunction |
Function for calculating the offset of two images using an optimizer.
OpenCVRectangleWrapper |
OpenCV Implementation of the RectangleWrapper
OpenCVRectangleWrapperJavaRectangleTransformer |
This class implements a Transformer between OpenCV RectangleWrapper and JavaRectangle
OpenCVRegistrationPositional |
This class performs registration for positional offset with openCV support.
OpenCVRegistrationPositionalRotational |
This class implements Registration for positional and rotational offset
OpenCVResizeFunction |
Function for resizing a image
OpenCVRGBColorbasedObjectDetector |
opencv implementation for a color based Object Detector.
OpenCVRotatedRectangleWrapper |
Wraps RotatedRect
OpenCVRotatedRectangleWrapperToJavaRectangleRotatedTransformer |
OpenCVRotateFunction |
Function for rotating an image
OpenCVSaver |
Class for saving open cv images
OpenCVScalarRGBColorTransformer |
Transformer for Scalar (in BGR style; Transparency will be ignored) and RGB Color
OpenCVSharpenFunction |
sharpens a image by using gaussian blur and subtract it
OpenCVSizebasedPositionEvaluator |
PositionEvaluator Implementation (based on a AbstractColorbasedObjectDetector<Mat, Point>)
which provides functionality to evaluate e.g.
OpenCVSobelEdgeDetection |
Sobel Edge Detector
OpenCVThresholdFunction |
Function for applying an threshold
OpenCVThresholdType |
OpenCV Threshold type
OpenCVTranslateFunction |
Function for translating an image
OpenCVWatershedRegionDetection |
Use watershed algorithm to isolate objects from each other.
Optimizer<I> |
Objects of this interface are used to improve the quality and/or speed of image processing algorithms.
OrientationOffset |
Class for representing different offset types (e.g.
PaddingFunction<I,R> |
Function for adding padding to a given image
PDFPagesToImage |
Converts each page of a pdf into a buffered image
PixelDifferenceImpl<T,V> |
Calculates difference of two objects using their pixel coordinate information.
PixelFunction |
Function which is applied for a given pixel in the given image
PlyReader |
MeshReader implementation for PLY files
PlyWriter |
MeshWriter implementation for PLY files
Point2Wrapper<P> |
Interface which wraps a two dimensional point.
Point3Wrapper<P> |
Interface which wraps a three dimensional point.
PointCSVProcessor |
Simple implementation of CSVProcessor for JavaPoint3D with a csv files with the columns (1) x, (2) y and (z)
PointMinMaxFunction<T extends AbstractJavaPoint<T>> |
Function which calculates the min and the max coordinates
PolygonFunction |
Class for creating a symmetrical polygon
PositionComparisonImpl<T,V> |
Simple comparison class, which allows to compare objects by their current coordinate data.
PositionEvaluator<I,P> |
Interface which provides functionality to evaluate e.g.
PositionObjectMerge<T,V> |
Merges two objects depending on if a certain number of coordinates overlap.
RawObjectMerge<T,V> |
Flat out merges the two objects, without using any threshold or other safety checks.
RecognizedObject<T,V> |
Class giving data regarding a recognized object in an image.
RectangleWrapper<R,P> |
Interface which wraps a rectangle.
RegionDetection<T,V> |
Detections regions in images using information, depending on the image.
RegionGrowingFunction<T,R> |
Implementation of Region Growing
Registration<I> |
Interface for different Registration Methods
RegistrationImageFunction<T,R> |
Registers two images
RGB2BGRTransformer<P,T> |
Converts a BGR image into a RGB image and vice versa
RGB2RGBATransformer<P,T> |
Transforms a RGB image into a RGBA image and vice versa.
RGBColor |
Class the represents an RGB color
RotatedRectangleWrapper<R,P> |
RotationOffset |
Class for representing translation and rotational offset of two images.
Side |
Enum that can be used to determine a side.
SizebasedPositionEvaluator<I,P> |
Interface which provides functionality to evaluate e.g.
SobelEdgeDetectionFilterFunction<T,R> |
Implementation of sobel edge detection
SSEFitnessFunction |
Sum of Squared errors implementation of a fitness function
StarPolygonFunction |
Class for creating a star-shaped polygon
StlReader |
MeshReader implementation for Stl files
StlWriter |
MeshWriter implementation for Stl files
StringValueContainer |
SubFunction<I> |
Function that subtracts two images
SubImageWrapper<I> |
Class that represents a sub ROI of a referenced image
TesseractOCR |
OCR Implementation using Tesseract
ThinningFunction |
Functional implementation for Skeleton Calculation
ThinningType |
ThreeChannelColor |
Interface representing a three channels color (e.g.
ThresholdFunction<T,R> |
Applies a threshold on a given greyscale image and creates a binary one
ToBooleanBiFunction<T,U> |
Represents a function that accepts two arguments and produces an boolean-valued
ToRGBFunction<P,T> |
This class tries to convert any 2ByteImage to a RGB Image.
TransformFunction<T> |
Transforms the object
TranslationOffset |
Class for representing translation offset of two images in pixels.
TranslationOffsetInMM |
Description: Class for representing translation offset of two images in pixels and millimeters.
Triangle<T extends AbstractJavaPoint<T>> |
Interface of a Triangle
Triangulation<P extends AbstractJavaPoint<P>,L extends AbstractJavaLine<P>,G extends AbstractJavaPolygon<P,L>> |
Interface for writing a mesh to a file
Turn |
An enum denoting a directional-turn between 3 points (vectors)./
TwoByteCropFunction<T,R> |
TwoByteScaleFunction<T,R> |
TypeChecker |
Checks if the image wrapper matches to one of the supported types
TypeException |
Exception if a ImageWrapper does not matches a specific channel type
ValueContainer<T> |
Interface for containers that contain a value and want to provide a public getter
ValueObjectMerge<T,V extends Number> |
Merges objects, if their value is close enough (depends on threshold as well).
ValueTransformationFunction<P,T> |
Allows to apply a transformation function to a given image.
WritableImageWrapper |
ImageWrapper implementation for JavaFX's WritableImage
WriteableImageFactory |
Imagefactory implementation for JavaFX's WritableImage
YUVColor |
Class representing a YUV-color.
YUVTransformer |
Transforms RGB colors into YUV colors and back.